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Village of Cayuga Heights Gardens

For Residents

Emergency Services Links & Numbers:

Police: Non Emergency dial 607-257-1011, Emergency dial 911
Fire: Non Emergency dial 607-257-1011, Emergency dial 911

Sanitation: The Village of Cayuga Heights provides curbside garbage collection, yard waste collection, and bulk waste pickup. Visit the Household and Yard Refuse page for more information. Tompkins County provides curbside recycling and can be reached by 607-273-6632.

Water & Sewer: Visit the Bolton Point web page for information on rates, due dates, and to update your account. Call 607-277-0660 to report water emergencies at any time.

Electricity & Gas: Contact: New York State Electric and Gas (NSYEG) at 1-800-572-1111. To report a streetlight outage, please use NYSEG’s online form.

Public Schools: Cayuga Heights Elementary School

Sunset Park

Sunset Park, located on Sunset Drive, offers stunning views of Cayuga Lake, especially during sunset. Park hours are from 6:00AM till 10:00PM.

Dog License

Dog Control Law enforced by the Police Dept.  Dog licenses may be obtained at the Town of Ithaca office.  As a reminder, Village Ordinance requires you to clean up after your dog.

Village Right of Way

The public street right-of-way (ROW) includes the land extending from the edge of a Village street pavement to the owner’s property line.  This land belongs to the Village and, on streets with sidewalks, the ROW typically includes the sidewalk and the grassy strip between the sidewalk and street pavement, aka the treelawn, where street trees are often planted.  Section 280-7.B (1) of Village code prohibits parking vehicles there, one reason being that it compromises soil structure, especially in wet conditions, by compacting the air pores between soil particles. This in turn damages tree health by reducing water infiltration, root growth, and nutrient uptake.  The result can be crown dieback, tree instability, and even tree death.  Once compromised, soil structure is extremely difficult to remediate and so the best way to deal with soil compaction is to prevent it from ever happening.  Please do not park your vehicles on the treelawn nor allow your visitors or contractors to do so.
A property owner who plants a tree or shrub in the ROW without the Village Forester’s approval may be required to remove them at the property owner’s request.  If unsure about the ROW’s location, please contact the Village Forester.  Requests from property owners that the Village plant new trees in the ROW adjacent to their property are welcome and will be accommodated based on funding availability, the presence of above- and below-ground utilities, and planting priorities set by the Village Forester in consultation with the Village’s Shade Tree Advisory Committee and Department of Public Works.

Permit Quick Pay

Check out the Village’s new online clerk pay portal! It works much the same as the water/sewer payment portal. This can be used for paying for short-term rental permits, sump pump inspection permits, and building/zoning permits and fees. Click Here to access! Once on the portal, select which permit you are purchasing and follow the prompts. Just as with online water/sewer payments, there will be a small fee added to your purchase. It will show you the total before your payment is finalized. Any questions please call the Clerk’s office at (607)257-1238. 
