Village Historian
Village Historian:Bea Szekely (607) 257-5346
CH History Website: www.cayugaheightshistory.weebly.com
The Cayuga Heights History Project
In June 2015, the Village of Cayuga Heights marked the 100th anniversary of its founding.
To commemorate this milestone, the Cayuga Heights History Project then co-chairs Carole Schiffman and Randi Kepecs initiated an effort to compile and share the rich history of the village. Working with the Village Historian Bea Szekely and Deputy Historian Patricia Longoria, the Cayuga Heights History Project developed a website to engage the community in adding their stories.
Take some time to explore the Cayuga Heights History Project website at www.cayugaheightshistory.weebly.com. We hope you will want to participate in the project by researching and sharing your house history. Every house has a history, and the great stories showcased on the site are there not just to delight you, but to inspire as well. The websites House Histories section provides all the resources you need to research and share your own house’s story. The house histories are showcased on the site’s interactive map and on house history pages. Together, these individual stories combine to tell the social history of the village.
Your Oral History
The Cayuga Heights History Project has also initiated an oral history project to collect impressions of village life from individuals who have lived here – memories of life on your street, raising children here, shopping at the Corners, serving on the fire department’s team, being involved in the Cayuga Heights or Northeast schools, walking your dog, trick-or-treating. To share your stories and perhaps photos, contact the Village Historian at [email protected].
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We look forward to hearing from you!